Message for Our Customers
At Youth Ballet, we believe all dancers of any age and skill level should have access to dance classes that are suitable to their lifestyle and involvement. Some people only want one or two dance classes a week to help improve mobility, stay in shape, and have an activity to do with friends. Some people are intense and put all of their energy into their dancing with dreams of going professional, opting to dance up to seven days a week. And some people are in between, with dance being an important part of their lives even if it is not their career goal. All levels of involvement in dance in your life are valid and valuable! Your own joy of dance, whatever it looks like for you, is extremely important to us!
With this in mind, we ask an important question: What level of involvement are you interested in when it comes to dance?
To prevent enrollment in a class that might be unsuited to your level of involvement, this year, the class descriptions have been updated to reflect if the class is on the 'intensive' track, or a more casual track. Please read the class description before your enroll to make sure it's a class where you will get the most benefit!
As ever, if you have any questions, you can call or text the office at 306-352-9908, or email the office at office@youthballet. We will be happy to answer questions and help provide direction.