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5:30 - 6:30 Musical Theatre Jr: Hakuna Matata (ages 7-11)7-11TC5:00 - 6:00Broadway Babies (Ages 4-7): SING! (Music from the animated film)4-7HS5:30 - 6:30Musical Theatre Junior: Wickidz (ages 7-11)7-11TC
6:30 - 7:30ENCORE: Advanced Musical Theatre- Best of Shrek! (BY AUDITION ONLY)- Jazz and Tap Enrollment Required)8-18TC6:00 - 7:00Musical Theatre Jr (ages 7-11): Best of Moana!7-11AK6:30 - 7:30Senior Musical Theatre: "Best of Little Shop of Horrors!" (ages 12+):12-18TC
6:30 - 7:30Musical Theatre Jr: Wickidz (Ages 7-11)7-11BK6:00 - 7:00Solos and Duets (ages 7-13): Songs with Schwartz!7-13HS6:30 - 7:30Young Stars Acting Academy - Level 1: The World of Dr. Seuss!8-12TH
7:30 - 8:30Musical Theatre Teens and Tweens: Best of Wonderland!10-18BK7:00 - 8:30Chamber Vocal Ensemble with Mr. Chris (BY AUDITION ONLY)12-18CO7:30 - 8:30Comedic Acting Through IMPROV!10+TH
8:00 - 9:00Musical Theatre Teens and Tweens Wed: Best of Tuck Everlasting!10-18AK8:30 - 9:30Young Stars Acting Academy - Level 2: A Midsummer Night's Dream12-18TH