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Message for Our Customers
Welcome to TNM Dance! We are so happy you are here!!
Our Fall Registration is open, classes will begin August 12th.

Please remember the schedule is subject to change based on minimum enrollment. Upon registration you will be asked to pay the annual $40 registration fee. This fee will hold your place in the class. August tuition will be run August 12th.

Customer note: If you are already in our system and do not know your login info, please use the Forgot Your Password option. You will need to enter the email address you have on file with us, and it will allow you to reset your password so you can log in. You only need to use the Register Option if you have never had an account with us.

You will only be able to view and enroll in classes where the student meets the age requirements for the class by the first day of the season. If you have questions on a class or do not see a class you would like to register for, please contact the office for assistance.

-To complete registration, you must check out and pay the current balance due to reserve your spot.
-Monthly class tuition will be charged to your credit card the 1st of each month through the duration of the season.
-Classes meet once a week in the fall.
-To withdraw from a class mid-season and stop recurring payments, please notify the office via email prior to the first of the month.

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