Information on Continuous Classes
SGA offers a continuous programming model that automatically renews monthly. Registration is ongoing, including over the summer months, and participants may enroll into an available class at any time. Once registered, participants are free to transfer, level up or age up to the next available class as they are ready. The first month's tuition (pro-rated if applicable) and a lifetime registration fee of $75 are due at the time of registration. All subsequent payments are processed on the 20th of each month for the following month's tuition.

Drop Policy for Continuous Classes
Class registrations are continuous and remain in effect until written notice of a cancellation is provided and confirmed. If a member would like to cancel a class registration, written notice must be provided through our online drop request form ( by the 1st of the final month you wish to participate in class to avoid being charged and committed to future months.

Billing + Payments
Please monitor your payment method on file. The selected payment-method under "Edit Payment-Method on File" in your SGA account will be used as the primary payment-method for autopay/recurring payments. Please note: a 3.5% surcharge will be added to all Visa, MasterCard and AmEx payments. To avoid the additional surcharge fee, use your checking account (E-check / ACH).

Late Fees + Return Payment Fees
A late fee of $25 will be applied for any fees not paid by the 25th of the month. An NSF fee of $35 will be applied for any returned payments or bank drafts. Any fees not paid by the 1st of the month will result in immediate cancellation and removal from the program.

Information on PLAY Event Registrations
Once registered, we hope that nothing interferes with your child attending your registered event. We have a limited number of spots available in our events and these programs fill fast! Therefore, we have a no credits or refunds policy on our event registrations. Please bring all event registration issues / conflicts to our attention immediately, so we can best assist you in finding an appropriate solution.
Contact Information
Please enter the contact info for who will be paying the bill. If the student is a minor, please enter the guardian's contact info.

First Name(s) *
Last Name *
Address 1 *
Address 2
City *
State *
Email/Username *(for example: [email protected])
Additional Emails(for example: [email protected], [email protected])

Please make a note of your email-address/username above and the password you enter below. They will be used to log into your account in the future.

In order to provide the most secure environment possible, all passwords must:

  1. Include at least one upper case letter (i.e. A-Z)
  2. Include at least one lower case letter (i.e. a-z)
  3. Include at least one number (i.e. 0-9)
  4. Include at least one special character (i.e. @#$%^)
  5. Have at least 12 characters that are not spaces

Password *
Re-type Password *

How did you hear about us?
More Details

Emergency Contact Information
Who should we contact, other than the contact listed above, in case of an emergency?

Emergency Contact Name(s)
Emergency Contact Phone(s)
* = Required Fields