Please note: Selecting classes on the enroll page will register you for the classes unless you select DROP before you checkout. If you choose to withdraw from class after checkout, please email us so that you will not be charged and we can delete the class for you.

NOTE: When you enroll in a class, it automatically populates the amount owing for the first month of classes on the checkout page. If you register before payment is due (September 3rd), you may change the payment amount to $0 to avoid being immediately charged.
Enrolling in Classes
Please click on the class to enroll in the class. Hover your mouse over a class to see more details about the class. Click on the tabs at the top of the calendar to view different class calendars (if any). If the class name is green, the class has availability. If the class name is red, the class is full.
Or, click here for help finding the perfect class.

2025 Competitive Season
2025 Non-Competitive Season

5:00 - 6:00Intermediate Foundation Ballet/Pointe Ages 14+ Technique14+LS5:00 - 5:30Pop Up Class/Dance Industry (invite only)14+LS5:00 - 6:00Intermediate/Adv Foundation Ballet Ages 14+ Technique class14+LS5:15 - 6:15Grade 1/2 Ballet Ages 7-11 Technique7-11LS5:45 - 6:45Inter/Adv Found Ballet Small Group (invite only) (GNG) - Mr. Brightside14+LS
5:30 - 6:15Jr. 3 Tap Technique9-12CM5:30 - 6:15Intermediate Tap Small Group 15+ (Men in Black)15+JC5:30 - 6:15Junior 3 Tap Choreo (We Don't Speak No Americano)9-12CM5:15 - 6:15Pre-Intermediate Acro Ages 12-14 (Run for your life)12-14J.K.6:45 - 7:45Acro Skills 10+ (experience required)10+KP
6:00 - 7:00Acro Advanced (Sand)15+KP5:30 - 6:30Junior 1/2 Jazz 6-8 Years (Mermaid Party)6-8CM6:00 - 7:00Intermediate Foundation and Intermediate Ballet Large Group Choreo (Paradise)14+LS5:30 - 6:15Jumps & Turns, Stretch & Conditioning (ages 7-13)7-13CM
6:00 - 7:00Grade 5 Ballet Choreo (The Wedding)12-14LS6:15 - 7:00Intermediate Tap Large Group (Mimes)14+JC6:15 - 7:15Junior 3 Jazz Choreo (Clap Snap)9-12CM6:00 - 6:45Intermediate 1 Tap Technique14+JC
6:15 - 7:00Junior 3 Jazz Technique9-12CM6:45 - 7:45Grade 1/2 Ballet Ages 7-11 Choreo (Out of the Coop)7-11LS6:30 - 7:15Junior Musical Theatre Ages 7-10 (You've got a friend in me)7-10JC6:15 - 7:00Junior 1/2 Tap Ages 6-8 (Sea Cruise)6-8CM
7:00 - 8:00Grade 3 Ballet Choreo (Slumber Party)9-12LS7:00 - 7:45Intermediate 1 Tap Small Group Invite Only (GNG) - 50's Diner14+JC7:00 - 8:00Intermediate 1 Jazz Technique Ages 14+14+LS6:15 - 7:00Junior 2 Jazz Technique8-11J.K.
7:00 - 8:00Intermediate 1 Jazz Large Group (Americano)14+KP7:00 - 8:00Pre-Intermediate 1 Jazz (Poker Face)12-14KP7:15 - 8:00Junior Acro Ages 7-10 (The bare necessities)7-10J.K.6:15 - 7:15Pre-Intermediate 1 Jazz Technique Ages 12-1412-14LS
7:00 - 8:00Pre-Intermediate 1 Tap (Invite Only) Choreo/Tech (GNG) - Calabria12-14CM7:45 - 8:45Intermediate 1 Jazz Invite Only (GNG) - Furtado14+LS7:15 - 8:00Pre-Intermediate Musical Theatre (Thirteen)12-14JC6:45 - 7:30Junior Hip Hop Ages 9-12 (Throwbacks)9-12KSU
8:00 - 9:00Intermediate/Adv Found Ballet Ages 14+ Technique14+LS7:45 - 8:30Junior 2 Jazz (Like a girl)8-11CM8:00 - 9:00Grade 3 Ballet Ages 9-12 Technique9-12LS6:45 - 7:30Musical Theatre Ages 14+ (Revenge Party)14+JC
8:00 - 8:45Junior Lyrical Ages 9-12 (I had a dream)9-12KP8:45 - 10:00Intermediate Foundation Ballet/Pointe Ages 14+ Technique class14+LS8:00 - 8:45Pre-Intermediate Contemporary (Don't give up on me)12-14JC7:15 - 8:15Grade 5 Ballet Ages 12-14 Technique12-14LS
8:00 - 8:45Pre-Intermediate Hip Hop (Ages 12-14) - OG Queens12-14KSU8:15 - 9:00Intermediate Lyrical/Contemporary Large Group (Recovery)14+KP7:30 - 8:15Junior Acro Ages 9-12 (Incredible)9-12J.K.
9:00 - 9:45Intermediate Pointe (students in intermediate ballet only) - Someone you loved14+LS9:00 - 10:00Intermediate Lyrical Small Group 14+ Invite Only (GNG) - Ashes14+LS7:30 - 8:15Senior Hip Hop Ages 14+ (Making it hot)14+KSU
8:15 - 9:15Jumps & Turns, Stretch & Conditioning Ages 14+14+KP
9:15 - 10:00Intermediate Contemporary Invite Only (GNG) - Numb14+LS