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Message for Our Customers
Welcome to Project Dance! You are going to LOVE being a part of our Dance & Tumbling family.  Please read entire contract as you go through the registration process so we do not have any misunderstanding on our expectations when registering for classes with Project Dance & Tumbling. It must be submitted in order for the registration process to be final along with the $40 registration fee which charges when you sign up for Summer Intensives or fall classes. The registration fee will not be charged to students from High school team programs that are just taking our Intensives or Master classes we offer.
When filling out your auto pay please use a routing number and bank account for your auto pay to get the best deal on tuition. If you sign up your auto pay with a credit card then there is a 3.89% Surcharge for each charge.
Also don't forget to sign up for text messaging when registering.
Also Go to your App store on your phone and download our studio app. Its called: Projectdance365.
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