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2024-25 Dance Season
2024-25 Parties and Camps

10:30 - 11:15Cinderella 3MS4:30 - 5:00Dew Drops2.5 yrsEC10:30 - 11:30Adult - Silver Slippers Ballet55 +KS4:30 - 5:15Periwinkle3 Amber
11:15 - 11:45Sweet Pea2 1/2MS4:45 - 5:45Crown Maidens7/8MS4:30 - 5:15Aurora5/6Amber5:00 - 6:00Marionette Tap & Jazz12+ (Marionette Ballet students)JJ
4:30 - 5:15Belle3 yrs.JJ5:00 - 5:45Elsa4EC4:45 - 5:45Merliton9+JD5:15 - 6:00Jasmine5/6Amber
4:30 - 5:30Flower Maiden7 / 8LR5:45 - 6:30Genie Jazz7/8 yrs.CS5:15 - 6:00Pixie3 Amber6:00 - 6:45Marionette Ballet12 +MS
5:15 - 6:00Rapunzel5 / 6JJ5:45 - 6:30Snow White5 / 6NB5:45 - 6:30Jester JazzMerliton & Snow Queen StudentsJD6:00 - 6:45Moana5/6EC
5:30 - 6:15Musical Theatre7/8 Classes and upLR6:30 - 7:15Merida5/6CS6:00 - 6:45Tiana4Amber6:45 - 7:30ContemporaryMarionette, Coppelia studentsJJ
6:15 - 7:00Mandolin Ballet11 +JJ6:30 - 7:30Royal Maidens7/8NB6:30 - 7:30Snow Queen10 +JD7:30 - 8:30Coppelia Ballet 13+ By Invitation MS
6:15 - 7:00Tinkerbell4LR7:30 - 8:45Coppelia Tap & Jazz13+ (Coppelia Ballet students)CS8:30 - 9:00Coppelia Pointe13+ by InvitationMS
7:00 - 8:00Mandolin Tap/Jazz11+JJ
8:00 - 9:00Adult Fit Tap - IntermediateAdultSK
8:00 - 8:45Mandolin ContemporaryMandolin StudentsJJ