*Please note, for planning purposes, The Academy's next closure is scheduled for Sunday, December 22, 2024 through Wednesday, January 1, 2025. Classes will resume January 2, 2025.
*Please review our policies and procedures and Code of Conduct on our website prior to enrolling: https://philadelphiagymnasticsacademy.com/2024-2025-season
For those registering for the first time in the season: tuition for first month plus last month (August 2025 or earlier) and registration fee will be due upon registering.
Please note: we do not offer refunds. In addition, there will be a $30 fee for returned checks.
Parent & Child, Thunder Cubs, Beginner, Advanced Beginner, Intermediate (Tuesday & Thursday), Advanced (Tuesday & Thursday), Dance & Blue Ninja classes are held at 1101 Ivy Hill Rd #4 (red door.)
Tiny Tots, Intermediate (Saturday), Advanced (Saturday), Tumbling, USAG XCel and Junior Olympics are held at 1121 Ivy Hill Rd (black door.)
Contact Information
Please enter the contact info for who will be paying the bill. If the student is a minor, please enter the guardian's contact info.
Please make a note of your email-address/username above and the password you enter below. They will be used to log into your account in the future.
In order to provide the most secure environment possible, all passwords must:
- Include at least one upper case letter (i.e. A-Z)
- Include at least one lower case letter (i.e. a-z)
- Include at least one number (i.e. 0-9)
- Include at least one special character (i.e. @#$%^)
- Have at least 12 characters that are not spaces
How did you hear about us?
Emergency Contact Information
Who should we contact, other than the contact listed above, in case of an emergency?
* = Required Fields