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Message for Our Customers
Our Winter 1 2024/2025 Rec Session began on 11/10/24 and runs through 1/25/25. Our Winter 2 2025 Rec Session begins on 1/26/25 and runs through 4/5/25.

2024/2025 Competition Season Training begins on 9/1/24 and runs through 4/12/25.

Christmas Break: 12/22/24 - 1/1/25

**NOTE: There is NO CHARGE for days the gym is closed, so there are NO MAKE UPS, with the exception of Levels 4-10, who are expected to make up any hours that are missed within 30 days +/- of the dates missed.**

***Monthly tuition will be charged in full.  If you choose not to come to your specified class, you are still responsible for paying for that spot.  No child will be dropped from a class for the session without at least a 2 week notice given to the front desk, in writing.***

**Late fees of $25 are added to accounts with an outstanding balance on the 10th of the month at 8am**

*Please review our session schedule for a second choice of class time.  If a specific class has low enrollment of 3 or fewer after the first week of classes, the class will be closed and you will receive an email to choose another class time.  We will wait to close any classes until after the first week to ensure there are no late registrations.*

PEG reserves the right to reschedule or combine classes, or to provide a substitute. In the event of cancelations due to inclement weather, there will be no make ups scheduled. You are welcome to schedule a make up in any similar class that has openings.
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