There is a $20 registration fee for all students, and will only be charged once a year(school year).

Payment Options
We accept:
ETF: Electronic bank transfers through the system (no surcharge fee) Choose Input Bank
Debit & Credit Card through the system (There is a 2.9% surcharge fee)
Cash or Alipay

Please note: All the surcharge fees are non-refundable. If you would like to pay cash in person, make sure to pay before the due date or a $100 late fee will be applied to your account.
Contact Information
Please enter the contact info for who will be paying the bill. If the student is a minor, please enter the guardian's contact info.

First Name(s) *
Last Name *
Address 1 *
Address 2
City *
State *
Email/Username *(for example: [email protected])
Additional Emails(for example: [email protected], [email protected])

Please make a note of your email-address/username above and the password you enter below. They will be used to log into your account in the future.

Password *
Re-type Password *

How did you hear about us?
More Details

Emergency Contact Information
Who should we contact, other than the contact listed above, in case of an emergency?

Emergency Contact Name(s)
Emergency Contact Phone(s)
* = Required Fields
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