Welcome to the Stage! Enjoy full access to our online portal 24/7, designed to make your dance journey seamless and enjoyable. From easily accessing class schedules to tracking your progress and connecting with fellow dancers, this platform is your gateway to all things dance!

Bienvenido al escenario! Disfrute de acceso completo a nuestro portal 24/7, diseñado para hacer que su experiencia con nosotros perfecto y agradable. Desde acceder fácilmente a los horarios de clases hasta realizar un seguimiento de su progreso y conectarse con otros bailarines, esta plataforma es su puerta de entrada a todo lo relacionado con la danza!
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This can happen if you double click. Please, just single click on the buttons and links.

This can also happen sometimes if you complete a sequence of steps, and then use the browser’s back button to go back to those steps.

This can also happen if you have multiple browser windows open, and you start a StudioDirector task in one window, then work on other StudioDirector tasks in another window, and then return to the original task. If you need to do multiple tasks in StudioDirector simultaneously, try using two different browsers (for example, Firefox and Chrome).