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Message for Our Customers
Welcome to the Registration Page of Southern Oregon Dance Center!
PLEASE NOTE:  Registration for FALL Classes opens August 15th each year and is ongoing through March 15th, where space is available. FALL CLASSES START THE WEEK OF September 9th this year.
Browsing through our regular class lists is absolutely FREE. Simply set up a registration account now and peruse our current class list, times and costs. You are only charged a registration fee IF you complete the process of enrolling one of more dancers into specific class(es) and enter card information to secure their spot. Those who wish to enroll for Fall Classes/Winter/Spring will be charged our one-time $25/ annual reg. fee only at the end of the enrollment process.
If you are enrolling a returning student you may need to enter new credit card information and accept our new season's Waiver form online for registration to be secured.

Please note also that an annual registration fee of $25/ family is required for all students enrolling with Southern Oregon Dance Center, as is standard in the studio industry.   Families who enroll more than one student or dancers who enroll in more than one class receive 10% off their total monthly tuition! ** In order to hold the spot(s) in child/teen class(es) and guarantee placement today, a registration fee for regular classes must be paid online via this secure website, at the end of this registration process.  
If it is not paid at the time of registration, the dancer will be automatically dropped from the class today, and their enrollment cancelled.

Regular Monthly tuition will be assessed and debited on or after the first of the month; tuition received after the 10th will be assessed a $15 late fee.

CHOOSE AUTO-PAY:  For convenience and peace of mind knowing your tuition is current each month, and to avoid late fees, choose our auto-pay feature.

OPT-IN to TEXT MESSAGES from us... we only use this feature to inform you of urgent updates (like a last-minute canceled or make-up class) , etc.  We don't flood your phone with texts, promise.

Please read all of our guidelines and policies (including our  Health and Wellness policies) listed on our website prior to registering to insure that you are informed and agree to support and abide by them as a patron SODC family.  Visit and navigate to our Policies page.

Please email the studio with any registration questions you may have
at  [email protected]

Thank you, and Happy Dancing!!

(** percentage discounts do not apply for competition group members, dancers already receiving a discount or promotional fee waiver nor Adults-only classes)
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