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1:30 - 2:30Dakota SoloAge 28KA1:15 - 1:45Jules BalletAge 15KA2:15 - 2:45Dennis SoloAges 70 and UpKA4:30 - 5:00Ellie SoloAge 10LB2:30 - 3:00Violet H SoloAge 7KA
3:00 - 3:30Veronica SoloAge 10KA1:45 - 2:15Luna/Mia DuoAges 10-11KA2:45 - 3:15Serenity SoloAge 17KA4:45 - 5:15Adaptive Hip HopAll ages!AS3:00 - 3:30Lilly SoloAge 11KA
3:30 - 4:00Isla H SoloAge 13KA2:15 - 2:45Jules SoloAge 15KA3:15 - 3:45Jordyn/Serenity DuoAges 13-17KA5:00 - 5:30Isla SoloAge 10LB3:30 - 4:00Iandra SoloAge 14KA
4:30 - 5:30Ballet I/Hip Hop IAges 7-9KA3:15 - 4:15Piper SoloAge 17KA3:45 - 4:15Jordyn SoloAge 13KA5:15 - 5:45Preschool/KinderDance BeamAges 4-6AS4:00 - 4:30Taylor SoloAge 16KA
4:30 - 5:00Cora SoloAge 10MC4:15 - 4:45Riley SoloAge 14KA3:45 - 4:15Kennedy/Lucy DuoAges 7 and upKB5:30 - 6:00Hadley SoloAge 6LB4:30 - 5:00Avery SoloAge 10KA
5:00 - 5:45Preschool/KinderDance Ballet and Beam IAges 4-6MC5:00 - 5:45Pointe I/IIAges 12 and UpKA4:15 - 5:00Irish Step IAges 4-6KB5:45 - 6:15Preschool/KinderDance Hip HopAges 4-6AS5:00 - 5:30Kayla SoloAge 27KA
5:30 - 6:15Mini Competition TeamAges 6-9KA5:45 - 6:30Musical Theater I/IIAges 8 and UpLB4:15 - 5:00Preschool/KinderDance Ballet and TapAges 4-6KA6:00 - 6:45Toddler Ballet and BeamAges 2-3MC5:30 - 6:00Hayden SoloAge 8LB
5:45 - 6:30Preschool Ballet and Hip HopAges 3-4MC6:00 - 6:30Hailey SoloAge 16KA5:00 - 6:00Ballet I/Tap IAges 7-9KA6:15 - 7:00Hip Hop I/IIAges 7 and UpAS5:30 - 6:00Penelope/Taylor DuoAges 8 and up KA
6:15 - 6:45Adaptive BalletAll ages!KA6:30 - 7:00Autumn SoloAge 10LB5:00 - 5:45Ballet II BAges 10-12KB6:45 - 7:45Ballet I/Acrobatics IAges 7-9MC6:00 - 6:45Adult Competition TeamAge 18 and UpKA
6:30 - 7:15KinderDance Ballet and Hip Hop Ages 5-6MC6:30 - 7:30Ballet III Ages 13 and UpKA5:45 - 6:30Irish Step IIAges 7 and UpKB6:45 - 7:45Adult BalletAges 18 and UpKA
6:45 - 7:30Acrobatics IAges 7 and up KA7:00 - 7:30Caitlin SoloAge 11LB6:00 - 6:45Jr. Competition TeamAges 10-12KA7:45 - 8:15Adult TapAges 18 and UpKA
7:15 - 8:00Hip Hop IIAges 8-12KB7:30 - 8:30Large Sr. Competition Team AAges 13 and UpKA6:30 - 7:00Katie/Violet DuoAges 12 and UpKB8:15 - 8:45Lilli/Taylor DuoAges 16 and UpKA
7:30 - 8:15Acrobatics II Ages 13 and up KA7:30 - 8:30Small Sr. Competition Team BAges 13 and UpLB6:45 - 7:30Ballet II AAges 10-12KA8:45 - 9:15Melanie SoloAge 37KA
8:00 - 8:30Isla S SoloAge 8KB8:30 - 9:00Auburn SoloAge 15KA7:00 - 7:30Aly/Marsha DuoAges 18 and UpKB9:15 - 9:45Lilli SoloAge 26KA
8:15 - 8:45Auburn/Cora DuoAges 10 and up KA8:30 - 9:00Lauren/Madison DuoAge 12LB7:30 - 8:00Tap IIAges 10-12KA
7:45 - 8:15Ellie/Emma DuoAge 12KB
8:00 - 8:30Caitlin/Violet DuoAges 11-12KA

10:15 - 11:00Mommy & Me Ballet and TapAges 1-2MC9:30 - 10:15Toddler Ballet and Tap IIAges 2-3MP
11:00 - 11:45Toddler Ballet and Hip HopAges 2-3MC10:15 - 10:45Delaney SoloAge 5MP
11:45 - 12:30Preschool/KinderDance Ballet and Tap AAges 4-6MC10:45 - 11:30Preschool/KinderDance Ballet and Beam IIAges 4-6MP
11:30 - 12:15Mommy & Me Ballet & TapAges 1-2MP