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Message for Our Customers

We are excited you have decided to join us for the summer. We do have great air conditioning in the building.

We offering dance, jiu jitsu, boxing and ninja warrior classes. Please take the time to read the full descriptions of the classes when signing up.  Class prices are listed for the whole 6-week session, not monthly.

Classes begin June 25th- August 1st. Classes have limited space. We will not begin a class unless we have at least 3 students signed up. If you are in class with less than 3 students, you will be given the option to drop the class or join another class.

Dance class info- We will have a small performance at the end of the session. Summer T shirts are required for performances.
Jiu Jitsu classes require gi pants and summer shirt to attend classes.

Classes are 1 day a week, you do have the option to sign up for more than one class.
Discounts are $10 off for taking multiple classes and  multiple family members discounts as well.

If you need assistance or have questions please email Holly at [email protected]. We are not always at the studio, so emailing us is the best way to reach us.


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