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Message for Our Customers

Registration is NOW OPEN!

Please see registration instructions below:

1. Click "New to Evolution Dance Company? Register Here"
2. Log-in, sign waiver and review and update any account information if needed.
3. Click Register for Classes on the bottom left of the page and begin adding classes to your shopping cart!
4. Once you have successfully added your classes to your cart, select "Check Out".
4. Review the items in your cart.
6. Select a payment plan. "9 Instalments" or "Pay in Full"  - Please contact the studio if you are wanting to pay with a method other than credit card to complete registration. Please note, all SESSION based programs are to be paid in full.
7. Enter your billing information in the Edit Payment info on file section. Be sure to check "Auto Pay/recurring billing" to "Yes" even if you already have a card on file. Please select "Enter a new payment method" and check "Auto Pay/recurring billing" to "Yes".
8. Review and submit!

1. Login to your existing Studio Director account. If this is your first time registering online, or you forgot your password, click the 'Forgot Your Password' link. Enter the email you have on-file with Evolution Dance Company. You will be sent an email with further instructions to set-up a password. (If you do not remember the email you have on file with us, it is the one you were sent these instructions too. If you are still having trouble, please contact us.)
2. Log-in, sign waiver and review and update any account information if needed.
3. Click Register for Classes on the bottom left of the page and begin adding classes to your shopping cart!
4. Once you have successfully added your classes to your cart, select "Check Out".
4. Review the items in your cart.
6. Select a payment plan. "9 Instalments" or "Pay in Full" - Please contact the studio if you are wanting to pay with a method other than credit card to complete registration. *Please note, there are no payment plans for session-based programs. All fees are due at once to reserve your spot in the class.
7. Enter your billing information in the Edit Payment info on file section. Be sure to check "Auto Pay/recurring billing" to "Yes" even if you already have a card on file. Please select "Enter a new payment method" and check "Auto Pay/recurring billing" to "Yes".
8. Review and submit!

Thank you!
[email protected]
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