If you wish to provide a quarterly or yearly tuition payment, please contact the studio at (347) 691-3177 for your tuition rate to be adjusted.
Enrolling in Classes
Please click on the class to enroll in the class. Hover your mouse over a class to see more details about the class. Click on the tabs at the top of the calendar to view different class calendars (if any). If the class name is green, the class has availability. If the class name is red, the class is full.
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4:30 - 5:30Sr. Tumbling Acro6 mo-18LZ3:45 - 4:30Mini Comp Hip Hop6 mo-18MK5:00 - 6:15Jr. Comp Ballet6 mo-18NM4:30 - 5:30Jr. Comp Musical Theater6 mo-18LMR3:45 - 4:15Stretch Core Feet6 mo-18KM
5:30 - 6:30Jr. Tumbling Acro6 mo-18LZ4:30 - 5:30Sr. Comp Ballet6 mo-18BJ5:30 - 6:30Teen Comp Hip Hop6 mo-18MR4:30 - 5:30Mini Comp Ballet6 mo-18NM4:15 - 5:15Jr. Comp Ballet..6 mo-18KM
5:30 - 6:30Sr. Comp Tap.6 mo-18LMR4:30 - 5:30Teen Comp Contemporary6 mo-18MK6:15 - 7:30Sr. Comp Ballet.6 mo-18NM5:30 - 6:30Mini Comp Jazz6 mo-18NM4:30 - 5:30Mini Comp Tap6 mo-18WC
6:30 - 7:30Sr. Comp Musical Theater6 mo-18LMR5:30 - 6:30Sr. Comp Turn Jump Kick6 mo-18MK6:30 - 7:30Jr. Comp Hip Hop6 mo-18MR5:30 - 6:30Teen Comp Lyrical6 mo-18LMR5:15 - 6:15Jr. Comp Lyrical.6 mo-18KM,
7:30 - 8:30Sr. Comp. Lyrical6 mo-18LMR6:30 - 7:30Sr. Comp Contemporary6 mo-18MK7:30 - 8:30Jr. Turn Jump Kick6 mo-18NM6:30 - 7:30Teen Comp Jazz.6 mo-18NM6:15 - 7:15Jr Comp Jazz6 mo-18WC
7:30 - 8:30Production6 mo-18MK7:30 - 8:30Production.6 mo-18MR7:30 - 8:30Teen Comp Ballet.6 mo-18NM
8:30 - 9:30Sr, Comp Jazz6 mo-18MK8:30 - 9:30Sr. Comp Hip Hop6 mo-18MR7:30 - 8:30Teen Comp Tap6 mo-18LMR