Welcome, please note, once you create an account, you will be able to select a class.  Hover your mouse to get more information about a class; clicking on the class enrolls you. There is a yearly family registration fee of $25.  Those who pay tuition by the month automatically receive the following discount: monthly tuition for a 45 minute class is $54, monthly tuition for a one hour class is $72.  Call for more information about tuition or to learn about drop in class rates.  708-386-1833
Enrolling in Classes
Please click on the class to enroll in the class. Hover your mouse over a class to see more details about the class. Click on the tabs at the top of the calendar to view different class calendars (if any). If the class name is green, the class has availability. If the class name is red, the class is full.
Or, click here for help finding the perfect class.

2024-2025 Season (Sept 3rd - June 9th )

4:00 - 4:45Combination 3-4yr olds Monday3-4KD2:00 - 4:00Private Lesson 2pm18+KD4:45 - 5:15Private Lesson Wed. 4:45pm12KD3:00 - 3:45Tap Adult Invite Only Thursday18+KD5:00 - 7:00Wedding Prep-Private Lessons Available Call to Schedule13+KD
5:30 - 6:15Combination 3-4yr olds Monday 5:30pm3-4JG4:30 - 5:00Private Lesson Tues. 4:30pm11-15KD5:15 - 6:00Combination 3-4 yr olds Wed.3-4NG4:15 - 5:00Private Lesson Thurs. 4:15pm13-18KD
5:30 - 6:15Combination 5-6yr olds Monday5-6KD5:00 - 6:00Lyrical *NEW* for ages 7-10 yr olds7-10SC5:30 - 6:00Private Lesson Wed. 5:30pm 13+KD5:00 - 6:00Combination 6-8 yr olds Thurs. 6-8KD
6:15 - 7:00Ballet/Tap 7-10yr olds Monday7-10KD5:00 - 6:00Performance Troupe 11-Teen Tuesday11-18KD6:00 - 7:00Ballet 7-11 yr olds Wed.7-11NG5:00 - 6:00Poms 7-10 yr olds Thurs.7-10NS
7:00 - 7:45Hip Hop 8-11yr olds Monday7-11JG6:00 - 7:00Junior Performance Troupe 7-11yr olds Tue7-11KD7:00 - 8:00Ballet 11-Teen/Adult Wed.11+NG6:00 - 6:45Combination 4-5yr olds Thurs.4-5KD
7:30 - 8:15Tap Teen/Adult Monday13+KD6:00 - 7:00Lyrical 11 - Teen Tuesday11-18SC8:00 - 8:45Pre-Pointe & Pointe Teen/Adult Wed14+NG6:00 - 6:30Jr Poms Team 7-10yr olds Thurs. 7-10NS
8:15 - 8:45Private Lesson Mon. 8:15pm18+KD7:00 - 8:00Hip Hop Teen/Adult Tuesday 7pm16+SC8:00 - 9:00Wedding Prep-Private Lessons Available 5-8:45pm Call to Schedule13+KD6:30 - 7:30Lyrical 11-Teen Thurs. 11-18NS
7:15 - 8:00Tap Teen/Adult Tuesday.16+KD7:30 - 8:30Poms 11-Teen Thurs 11-18NS
8:00 - 8:30Tap Invite Only Tuesday16+KD7:45 - 8:30Private Lesson Thurs. 7:45pm7-15KD
8:30 - 9:00Competition Team 11-Teen Thurs11-18NS
9:00 - 9:30Private Lesson Comp Solo 13-18NS

9:30 - 10:15Combination 3-4 yr olds Sat. 9:30am3-4KD
10:15 - 11:00Combination 5-7 yr olds Sat. 5-7KD
11:00 - 12:00Mini Pom Team 5-7yr olds Sat 5-7NS
12:00 - 1:30Ballet Teen/Adult Saturday13+KD
12:15 - 1:15Ballet/Jazz 7-10yr olds Sat7-10NS
1:30 - 2:00Pre-Pointe & Pointe Teen/Adult13+KD
2:00 - 2:30Private Lesson Sat. 2pm 18+KD