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Message for Our Customers
Registration is OPEN for Summer 2024 CLASSES, CAMPS and WORKSHOPS.

Registration is OPEN for Fall 2024 CLASSES (as of July 2nd).

Summer CLASSES: there are 2 separate seasons because some classes require you to REGISTER for the summer and some classes are reserved as individual DROP-INS during the summer.

Summer CLASSES: most classes for younger students are REGISTER. There are a few summer classes for younger dancers that are DROP-IN.

Summer CLASSES: most classes for older students are individual DROP-INS.

Fall CLASSES: dancers in preschool classes and dancers STARTING the Level 1 classes are age-based.

Fall CLASSES: dancers in Level 1-5 during SPRING 2024 have level recommendations on their account for FALL 2024. Find your dancer's level recs by reviewing the classes your dancer is enrolled in for the "Class Level Recs 24-25" season once logged into this system.

EXISTING/RETURNING STUDENTS: click the "Forgot your password" link and use the primary email address that receives studio communications to access the online portal for the first time.
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