Please note: All Sessional programs require full payment, by credit card, upon enrolment in order to secure your registration.
Enrolling in Classes
Please click on the class to enroll in the class. Hover your mouse over a class to see more details about the class. Click on the tabs at the top of the calendar to view different class calendars (if any). If the class name is green, the class has availability. If the class name is red, the class is full.
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9:30 - 10:00Dance & Tumble Ch. 1 Mon 9:30am (SEPT 16 to OCT 28)2 yrs-3MR10:30 - 11:00Dance & Tumble Ch. 1 Tues 10:30am (SEPT 24 to OCT 29)2 yrs-3JR9:30 - 10:00Dance & Tumble Ch. 1 Wed 9:30am (SEPT 25 to OCT 30)2 yrs-3JR2:00 - 3:00Combo Kids Thurs 2:00pm - Begins SEPT 193-4.5KR
9:30 - 10:00Dance & Tumble Ch. 2 Mon 9:30am (NOV 4 to DEC 16)2 yrs-3MR10:30 - 11:00Dance & Tumble Ch. 2 Tues 10:30am (NOV 5 to DEC 10)2 yrs-3JR9:30 - 10:00Dance & Tumble Ch. 2 Wed 9:30am (NOV 6 to DEC 11)2 yrs-3JR3:30 - 4:15Jazzy Tappers/Mini Hip Hop Thurs 3:30pm - Begins SEPT 193-4.5TBD
11:00 - 11:30Dance & Tumble Ch. 1 Mon 11:00am (SEPT 16 to OCT 28)2 yrs-3MR11:00 - 11:30Make Believe Ballet Tues 11:00am - Begins SEPT 243-4.5JR10:00 - 11:00Combo Kids Wed 10:00am - Begins SEPT 253-4.5JR
11:00 - 11:30Dance & Tumble Ch. 2 Mon 11:00am (NOV 4 to DEC 16)2 yrs-3MR4:00 - 4:30Make Believe Ballet Tues 4:00pm - Begins SEPT 243-4.5TBD10:30 - 11:00Dance & Tumble Ch. 1 Wed 10:30am (SEPT 25 to OCT 30)2 yrs-3MR
1:00 - 2:00Combo Kids Mon 1:00pm - Begins SEPT 163-4.5MR10:30 - 11:00Dance & Tumble Ch. 2 Wed 10:30am (NOV 6 to DEC 11)2 yrs-3MR
2:00 - 2:30Make Believe Ballet Mon 2:00pm - Begins SEPT 163-4.5MR11:00 - 11:30Make Believe Ballet Wed 11:00am - Begins SEPT 253-4.5JR
11:00 - 11:45Rhythm & Roll Wed 11:00am - Begins SEPT 253-4.5MR
2:00 - 2:30Make Believe Ballet Wed 2:00pm - Begins SEPT 253-4.5TBD
4:00 - 4:30Make Believe Ballet Wed 4:00pm - Begins SEPT 253-4.5JR

9:00 - 9:30Dance & Tumble Ch. 1 Sat 9:00am (SEPT 21 to NOV 2)2 yrs-3SB
9:00 - 9:30Dance & Tumble Ch. 2 Sat 9:00am (NOV 9 to DEC 14)2 yrs-3SB
9:15 - 9:45Dance & Tumble Ch. 1 Sat 9:15am (SEPT 21 to NOV 2)2 yrs-3DM
9:15 - 9:45Dance & Tumble Ch. 2 Sat 9:15am (NOV 9 to DEC 14)2 yrs-3DM
9:15 - 9:45Make Believe Ballet Sat 9:15am - Begins SEPT 213-4.5ED
9:30 - 10:00Dance & Tumble Ch. 1 Sat 9:30am (SEPT 21 to NOV 2)2 yrs-3SB
9:30 - 10:00Dance & Tumble Ch. 2 Sat 9:30am (NOV 9 to DEC 14)2 yrs-3SB
10:15 - 10:45Make Believe Ballet Sat 10:15am - Begins SEPT 213-4.5JR
10:45 - 11:15Dance & Tumble Ch. 1 Sat 10:45am (SEPT 21 to NOV 2)2 yrs-3DM
10:45 - 11:15Dance & Tumble Ch. 2 Sat 10:45am (NOV 9 to DEC 14)2 yrs-3DM
10:45 - 11:30Rhythm & Roll Sat 10:45am - Begins SEPT 213-4.5JR
11:00 - 11:30Make Believe Ballet Sat 11:00am - Begins SEPT 213-4.5SB
11:15 - 12:15Combo Kids Sat 11:15am - Begins SEPT 213-4.5ED