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4:30 - 5:20Beginning Girls M430 7 and up2024-25 RecCece9:30 - 10:15Two's (2's) T930 2 years old2024-25 PreschoolCandi9:30 - 10:15Super Roos W930Walking to 2 years old2024-25 PreschoolCandi9:30 - 10:15Four's (4's) TH930 4 years old2024-25 PreschoolCassie4:30 - 5:15Two's/Three's (3's) F430 3 years old2024-25 PreschoolSophia D
4:30 - 5:15Fours (4's) M4304 years old2024-25 PreschoolAlaena9:30 - 10:15Two's (2's) T930 B2 years old2024-25 PreschoolCassie11:45 - 12:30Homeschool T&T W11455 and up2024-25 HomeschoolCandi9:30 - 10:15Super Roos TH930Walking to 2 years old2024-25 PreschoolCandi4:40 - 5:30Beginning Girls F440Ages 7 and up2024-25 RecPenelope
4:30 - 5:15Fours (4's) M430 B-closed4 years old2024-25 PreschoolSophia D10:30 - 11:15Four's (4's) T10304 years old2024-25 PreschoolCandi12:45 - 1:30Homeschool Girls Gymnastics W12455 and up2024-25 HomeschoolPenelope10:30 - 11:15Threes (3's) TH10303 years old2024-25 PreschoolCandi4:40 - 5:30Just Tumble F4405-122024-25 RecDrew
4:30 - 5:20Intro to Girls M430Ages 5-62024-25 RecPenelope10:30 - 11:15Super Roos T1030Walking to 2 years old2024-25 PreschoolCassie1:30 - 2:15Homeschool Girls Gymnastics W130 5 and up2024-25 HomeschoolPenelope10:30 - 11:15Threes (3's) TH1030 B 3 years old2024-25 PreschoolCassie4:40 - 5:30Just Tumble F440 B5-122024-25 RecSarah
4:40 - 5:30Beginning Boys M440Ages 7 and up2024-25 RecDrew11:30 - 12:15Threes (3's) T1130 3 years old2024-25 PreschoolCassie4:30 - 5:20Beginning Girls W430 Ages 7 and up2024-25 RecCece11:30 - 12:15Four's (4's) TH1130-closed4 years old2024-25 PreschoolCandi5:30 - 6:15Four's (4's) F5304 years old2024-25 PreschoolSophia D
4:40 - 5:30Beginning T&T M440Ages 7 and up2024-25 Rec TTJeremiah11:30 - 12:15Two's (2's) T11302 years old2024-25 PreschoolCandi4:30 - 5:15Fours (4's) W4304 years old2024-25 PreschoolSophia D11:30 - 12:15Two's (2's) TH1130 2 years old2024-25 PreschoolCassie5:40 - 7:00Advanced Girls F540Ages 7 and up2024-25 RecPenelope
4:40 - 5:30Intro to T&T M440-closedAges 5-62024-25 Rec TTPaxten12:30 - 1:15Four's (4's) T12304 years old2024-25 PreschoolCassie4:30 - 5:20Intro to Girls W430Ages 5-62024-25 RecMadi12:30 - 1:15Homeschool T&T TH1230 5 and up2024-25 HomeschoolPenelope5:40 - 7:00Advanced Just Tumble F 540 6+2024-25 RecSarah
5:30 - 6:20Beginning Girls M530Ages 7 and up2024-25 RecCece12:30 - 1:15Homeschool T&T T12305 and up2024-25 HomeschoolPaxten4:30 - 5:20Intro to Girls W430-B Ages 5-62024-25 RecAlyssa1:30 - 2:15Homeschool T&T TH1305 and up2024-25 HomeschoolPenelope5:40 - 6:30Intermediate Girls F540-ClosedAges 7 and up2024-25 RecPenelope
5:30 - 6:15Fours (4's) M530 4 years old2024-25 PreschoolHallie1:30 - 2:15Homeschool T&T T130 5 and up2024-25 HomeschoolPaxten4:30 - 5:20Just Tumble W430 5-122024-25 RecOlivia4:30 - 5:15Advanced 4's TH 43042024-25 PreschoolMadi5:40 - 6:30Intro/Beg T&T F540Ages 5 and up2024-25 Rec TTJeremiah
5:30 - 6:20Intro to Girls M530 Ages 5-62024-25 RecPenelope4:30 - 5:15Advanced 4's T 43042024-25 PreschoolMaya4:30 - 5:15T&T Advanced 4's W 43042024-25 PreschoolMaya4:30 - 5:20Beginning Girls TH430 Ages 7 and up2024-25 RecCece5:40 - 6:30Intro/Beginning Boys F540Ages 5 and up2024-25 RecDrew
5:30 - 6:20Intro to Girls M530-BAges 5-62024-25 RecMadi4:30 - 5:20Beginning Girls T430 Ages 7 and up2024-25 RecAlyssa4:30 - 5:15Three's (3's) W4303 years old2024-25 PreschoolAlaena4:30 - 5:15Four's (4's) TH4304 years old2024-25 PreschoolAlaena
5:30 - 6:15Three's (3's) M530 3 years old2024-25 PreschoolAlaena4:30 - 5:20Intermediate Girls T430Ages 7 and up2024-25 RecPenelope4:40 - 5:30Intermediate Flipfest W440-closedAges 7 and up2024-25 FlipfestMatt4:30 - 5:20Intermediate Girls TH430Ages 7 and up2024-25 RecPenelope
5:30 - 6:15Three's (3's) M530-B closed3 years old2024-25 PreschoolSophia D4:30 - 5:20Intro to Girls T430Ages 5-62024-25 RecElayna C.4:40 - 5:30Intro to T&T W440-closedAges 5-62024-25 Rec TTJeremiah4:30 - 5:20Intro to Girls TH430Ages 5-62024-25 RecAlyssa
5:40 - 6:30Intermediate T&T M540Ages 7 and up2024-25 Rec TTJeremiah4:30 - 5:15Three's (3's) T4303 years old2024-25 PreschoolAlaena5:30 - 6:20Beginning Girls W530Ages 7 and up2024-25 RecCece4:30 - 5:15Two's (2's) TH4302 years old2024-25 PreschoolSophia D
5:40 - 6:30Intro to Boys M540Ages 5 and 62024-25 RecDrew4:40 - 5:30Beginning T&T T440-closedAges 7 and up2024-25 Rec TTJeremiah5:30 - 6:15Fours (4's) W5304 years old2024-25 PreschoolSophia D4:40 - 5:30Intro to T&T TH440Ages 5-62024-25 Rec TTMaya
5:40 - 6:30Intro to T&T M540Ages 5-62024-25 Rec TTPaxten5:30 - 6:20Intermediate Girls T530Ages 7 and up2024-25 RecPenelope5:30 - 6:20Intro to Girls W530Ages 5-62024-25 RecAlyssa5:30 - 6:20Beginning Girls TH530 Ages 7 and up2024-25 RecAlyssa
6:30 - 7:20Beginning Girls M630Ages 7 and up2024-25 RecCece5:30 - 6:20Intro to Girls T530Ages 5-62024-25 RecElayna C.5:30 - 6:20Just Tumble W530 5-122024-25 RecOlivia5:30 - 6:15Four's (4's) TH5304 years old2024-25 PreschoolAlaena
6:30 - 7:15Fours (4's) M630 4 years old2024-25 PreschoolHallie5:30 - 6:20Intro to Girls T530 B Ages 5-62024-25 RecAlyssa5:30 - 6:45Shining Stars W5304-92024-25 RecPenelope5:30 - 6:20Intermediate Girls TH530Ages 7 and up2024-25 RecPenelope
6:30 - 7:20Intermediate Girls M630 Ages 7 and up2024-25 RecPenelope5:30 - 6:45Shining Stars T5304-92024-25 RecMaya5:30 - 6:15Two's/Three's (2's) W530 2 years old2024-25 PreschoolAlaena5:30 - 6:20Intro to Girls TH530 Ages 5-62024-25 RecCece
6:30 - 7:20Intro to Girls M630 Ages 5-62024-25 RecMadi5:30 - 6:15Two's (2's) T5302 years old2024-25 PreschoolAlaena5:40 - 6:30Beginning Flipfest W540-closedAges 7 and up2024-25 FlipfestJeremiah5:30 - 6:15Three's (3's) TH5303 years old2024-25 PreschoolSophia D
6:30 - 7:15Three's (3's) M6303 years old2024-25 PreschoolSophia D5:40 - 6:30Beginning T&T T540Ages 7 and up2024-25 Rec TTJeremiah5:40 - 6:30Beginning T&T W540Ages 7 and up2024-25 Rec TTJeremiah5:40 - 6:30Beginning T&T TH540Ages 7 and up2024-25 Rec TTMaya
6:30 - 7:15Two's (2's) M6302 years old2024-25 PreschoolAlaena6:00 - 6:50Just Tumble T6005-122024-25 RecOlivia6:30 - 7:20Beginning Girls W630Ages 7 and up2024-25 RecCece6:30 - 7:20Beginning Girls TH630Ages 7 and up2024-25 RecCece
6:40 - 7:30Beginning T&T M640Ages 7 and up2024-25 Rec TTPaxten6:30 - 7:15Advanced 4's T 630 - CLOSED42024-25 PreschoolMadi6:30 - 7:15Fours (4's) W630 4 years old2024-25 PreschoolAlaena6:30 - 7:15Four's (4's) TH6304 years old2024-25 PreschoolAlaena
6:40 - 7:30Intermediate Boys M640Ages 7 and up2024-25 RecDrew6:30 - 7:50Advanced Girls 1 T630Ages 7 and up2024-25 RecSarah6:30 - 7:20Intermediate Girls W630Ages 7 and up2024-25 RecAlyssa6:30 - 7:20Intermediate Girls TH630Ages 7 and up2024-25 RecPenelope
6:40 - 7:30Intro to T&T M640Ages 5-62024-25 Rec TTJeremiah6:30 - 7:20Beginning Girls T630Ages 7 and up2024-25 RecAlyssa6:30 - 7:20Intermediate Just Tumble W630 7-152024-25 RecOlivia6:30 - 7:20Intro to Girls TH630 Ages 5-62024-25 RecAlyssa
7:30 - 8:50Advanced Girls 1 M730 Ages 7 and up2024-25 RecSarah6:30 - 7:15Four's (4's) T630 4 years old2024-25 PreschoolAlaena6:30 - 7:15Three's (3's) W6302 years old2024-25 PreschoolSophia D6:30 - 7:15Two's/Three's (3's) TH6303 years old2024-25 PreschoolMadi
7:30 - 8:20Intermediate Girls M730 Ages 7 and up2024-25 RecPenelope6:30 - 7:20Intermediate Girls T630 Ages 7 and up2024-25 RecPenelope6:40 - 7:30Beg/Interm Flipfest W640 Ages 7 and up2024-25 FlipfestJeremiah6:30 - 7:15Two's/Three's (3's) TH630 B 3 years old2024-25 PreschoolSophia D
7:40 - 8:30Intermediate T&T M740Ages 7 and up2024-25 Rec TTPaxten6:30 - 7:20Intro to Girls T630Ages 5-62024-25 RecElayna C.6:40 - 7:30Intermediate T&T W640 - closedAges 7 and up2024-25 Rec TTMaya6:40 - 8:00Advanced Girls 1 TH640Ages 7 and up2024-25 RecSarah
7:40 - 8:30Intro/Beginning Boys M740 Ages 5 and up2024-25 RecDrew6:30 - 7:20Intro to Girls T630 BAges 5-62024-25 RecCassie7:00 - 8:20Advanced Girls 1 W700Ages 7 and up2024-25 RecPenelope6:40 - 7:30Intermediate T&T TH640Ages 7 and up2024-25 Rec TTMaya
6:40 - 7:30Intro to T&T T640Ages 5-62024-25 Rec TTJeremiah7:30 - 8:50Advanced Just Tumble W730-Closed6+2024-25 RecOlivia7:30 - 8:20Intermediate Girls TH730Ages 7 and up2024-25 RecAlyssa
7:00 - 7:50Just Tumble T7005-122024-25 RecOlivia7:30 - 8:20Intermediate Girls W730-ClosedAges 7 and up2024-25 RecAlyssa7:40 - 9:00Advanced T&T Th740 Ages 7 and up2024-25 Rec TTDrew
7:30 - 8:20Intermediate Girls T730-Closed Ages 7 and up2024-25 RecPenelope7:40 - 8:30Intermediate T&T PLUS TH740 Ages 7 and up2024-25 Rec TTMaya
7:40 - 8:30Intermediate T&T T740-ClosedAges 7 and up2024-25 Rec TTJeremiah