Please Note: When registering for classes, the registration fee and first months tuition is due upon registration. If no payment is made or the check out process has not been completed, the system will unenroll the student from class before the next business day. All family and student information is retained, but the student will need to be re-registered and payment rendered to be officially registered for the class.
Enrolling in Classes
Please click on the class to enroll in the class. Hover your mouse over a class to see more details about the class. Click on the tabs at the top of the calendar to view different class calendars (if any). If the class name is green, the class has availability. If the class name is red, the class is full.
Or, click here for help finding the perfect class.

2024/2025 Season
Competition 25

8:15 - 9:00Company Class5-18DA

1:00 - 2:00Existing Company Member7-18DA
1:00 - 2:00New Company Member6+DA
2:00 - 3:001 Small Group 6+DA
2:00 - 3:002 Small Groups6+DA
3:00 - 4:001 Duet/Trio 6+DA
3:00 - 4:002 Duet/Trios6+DA
4:00 - 5:00Solo6+DA