Please use these guidelines when choosing levels for your dancer:
Level 1 - Beginner class or some dance experience - many dancers will stay in this level 1-2 season.

Level 2/ Beg/Int - for Jazz & Leaps & Turns - dancers can execute a clean double pirouette and are familiar with ballet and jazz terms to be successful in class. For other styles, minimum of 2 years of experience in that style.

Level 3/Intermediate - for Jazz & Leaps & Turns - dancers can execute a clean triple pirouette and are familiar with ballet and jazz terms to be successful in class. For other styles, minimum of 4+ years of experience in that style.

Level 4 & 5 Advanced - these classes are for our most advanced level of dancers. They can execute a clean quad turn and can successfully most jumps and have 7-8+ years of dance experience in all styles.
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