To finalize your enrollment, you must continue through the next steps and get to the THANK YOU page. After your online registration, please wait 24-48 hours for a statement, and then you may pay online. Registration is not complete until payment is received. ~~~Registrations with 0 (zero) payment will be removed after 14 days of being entered in the system. After this time, you will need to register again, subject to first come, first served availability.
Credit card payment is accepted and is payable at the time of your online registration. Art Ballet Academy is using StudioDirector for our student/class registration, online tuition payments and account management. 4% StudioDirector fee for all online payments. Payment also can be made at Art Ballet Academy studio by cash or check. Check payable to: Art Ballet Academy. Please include name of the student on your payment. Cash payments should be made directly to Academy Director or office manager.  
We look forward to working with you this dance season!
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