Summer Registration for Dance: No extra fees upon enrollment.

Fall Registration for Dance: Registration fee, recital fee and first month's pro-rated tuition is due upon registration.

Acro: Registration fee and first month's pro-rated tuition is due upon registration. If you are registering for acro ONLY and not adding a dance class please do NOT check out, instead finish registration, then email the studio [email protected] we will remove the "recital fee" then process your payment. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Registration is not complete until you have completed checked out.
Sorry, we no longer have the information you were working on.

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This can also happen sometimes if you complete a sequence of steps, and then use the browser’s back button to go back to those steps.

This can also happen if you have multiple browser windows open, and you start a StudioDirector task in one window, then work on other StudioDirector tasks in another window, and then return to the original task. If you need to do multiple tasks in StudioDirector simultaneously, try using two different browsers (for example, Firefox and Chrome).